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Empowered by Faith: FCAAF Athletic Support for HCHS

Empowered by Faith: FCAAF Athletic Support for HCHS By God’s grace, Hope Christian High School is blessed with new athletic…

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Reflections of Tomorrow – Teachers’ Day 2024

Reflections of Tomorrow – Teachers’ Day 2024 Honoring the teachers of Hope Christian High School! Last September 26, 2024, we…

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Food, Love, and Affection

Food, Love, and Affection On September 23, 2024, the Grade 7 English class participated in a seminar titled “Food, Love,…

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Research Congress 2024: Unveiling Luminarian Discoveries

Research Congress 2024: Unveiling Luminarian Discoveries Last May 17, Grade 12 representatives from ABM/GAS, HUMSS, and TVL presented their research…

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HCHS Entrepreneurship Week 2024

HCHS Entrepreneurship Week 2024 Hope Christian High School’s ‘Entrepreneurship Week’ was held on May 8-9, 2024 by the school’s Grade…

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Made to Thrive: Empowering Learners for a Sustainable Future

Made to Thrive: Empowering Learners for a Sustainable Future The PYP Exhibition, held on May 8-9, 2024, marked a significant…

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小學部(一至三年級)閩南語童謠比賽  嘉南中學為鼓勵年輕學子持續傳承閩南方言,特舉辦閩南語比賽 Open gallery on Facebook

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High School Sports Fest 2024: Championing Bodies Fit for Christ

High School Sports Fest 2024: Championing Bodies Fit for Christ This year’s HS Sports Fest electrified the entire campus with…

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How the 89th National Book Week Changed Students’ Perception about the Library

How the 89th National Book Week Changed Students’ Perception about the Library The 89th National Book Week Celebration started on…

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HCHS pole vaults into the 21st century with the IB PYP Program

Hope Christian High School Principal Mrs. Angeline Tan–Tiller heartily shared her experiences of challenges and victories, as she described and put into reality the IB PYP (International Baccalaureate Primary Year Program) curriculum that benefits our young 21st century learners.

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The Dynamics of Learning and PYP: An Interview with the Lower Elementary Coordinators of Hope Christian High School

With the adoption of the Primary Year Program at HCHS in the midst of the pandemic, the coordinators at the lower elementary grade levels put in their thoughts on the dynamics of the Montessori approach, socialization, the concept of play, and the newly accredited PYP in the equation of successful learning.

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Hope Christian IB program sets standard for intl learning
WHILE many 15-year-old Filipinos have a hard time reading, much less understanding simple essay structure as the figures in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Program for International Student Assessment 2018 results indicated, 5-year-old kindergarten pupil Jethro (not his real name) reads the instructions to his classmates as they experiment with water and soap to make bubbles at Hope Christian High School (HCHS). Read more

Chan, Angela Dominique G
Chong, Nelson L
Chua, Willard
Co, Tiffany Kate C_BP
Cu, Dominique Reine
Forbes, McJeh Rohi F
Go, Dhevie Maelyn V
Jalbuna, Josshua Scott Y
Ong, Tina Marie D
Ong, Tina Marie D_BP
Pua, Charmaine T
Sia, Nicole O_MT Board Passer
Uy, Adrian Chester P
Weng, Fredrick Ian D
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For Hope Christian High School, the school year 2020-21 is not just remembered as the school year of the pandemic. It is also the school year of challenges and positive changes, the year of the successful accreditation of the school by the International Baccalaureate (IB), an international organization offering four internationally-acclaimed educational programs including the Primary Year Program (PYP) for children aged three to twelve.  Originally, the visiting accreditation committee coming from various IB schools in the Asian region was scheduled to visit the school in April of 2020, but due to the international lockdown, it was canceled. A few months later, in September, the committee came through virtually, and a few weeks after, the school was finally accredited.   

How did this significant event that took years of preparation happen? Here is the report from the student journalists of the Campus Journalism Program.

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Exploring Educational Apps

For many years, Blended Learning has made some inroads into the classroom, with some teachers providing brick-and-mortar lessons coupled with the use of Google Classroom or Schoology for students to refer to their assignments and clarify instructions. Still, the majority of educators have stayed away from what is perceived as the impersonal nature of virtual learning.

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Reinventing The School year 2020-2021

Never in history has education changed so drastically than during the Pandemic of 2020. Watershed moments in history changed the way we taught, with radio at the turn of the 20th century, television in the 1950s, personal computing in the 1980s, and the internet in the 1990s, but in the 2020s? It all happened in one fell swoop, having to dramatically switch to virtual learning.

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New Technology for the Graphic Artists

The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity.John F. Kennedy

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste . . . it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel

For the following students who were thrust into a learning environment where projects have gone digital, this ‘crisis’ has turned into opportunities to learn new means of visual expressions. Using various video, graphics, and paint apps such as Sketchbook, Canva, and VN Video Editor, students have turned their projects into stunning visuals. Read their reflections and find out how they’ve created these noteworthy media projects.