Student applicants must undergo the admission process.  Students are accepted based on entrance test results, academic and behavior standing in the former school.  A personal interview would be conducted by the department supervisor.

General requirements include a Birth Certificate (Original and photocopy), four (4) copies of 2×2 colored pictures with white backgrounds, an I-Card or ACR (for non-Filipino citizens); a letter of good moral character/ Letter of Recommendation (for transferees).

Conditions for New Students

To maintain the standard of the school, the new or transferee students are placed under a probationary period during his/her first year of study at Hope Christian High School. During this period of one academic year, each student must maintain the following:

  • No failing final grades.
  • No deportment lower than B-.
  • No violation of the school’s Code of Conduct and Discipline for students.

The Admission Committee (composed of the Registrar and Academic Supervisors both from the English and Chinese Departments) will evaluate each new or transferee student’s performance every quarter during their first academic year to see whether they shall be allowed to return the following school year. Likewise, parents are required to attend all Home-School discussion sessions whenever it is needed.

Scholarships and Grants

The School’s Scholarship and Financial Assistance Office (SFAO) offers different scholarships to deserving students who pass the screening of the committee.


  • The student must have a general average of at least 80%
  • The student must have a deportment not lower than B.
  • The student must not have any school violation and disciplinary sanction.
  • The student has not been given tuition assistance from other institutions or organizations

Types of Scholarship/Grants

  • Children of HCHS Faculty and Staff
  • Multiple Children
  • Children of UECP Pastor/Missionary
  • Children of pastor affiliated with PCEC, or CCOWE
  • Financial  Aid



Eligible applicants should download the financial assistance application form from the school website and attached all supporting documents like a photocopy of the latest report card, ITR (Income Tax Return), three (3) months of Meralco bills, employment certificate, medical certificate, and other pertinent documents. Application with incomplete documents and information will not be processed.  The school reserves the right to grant financial aid based on careful evaluation of the documents presented.  Any misrepresentation of information would mean automatic disqualification.