Greenhouse Effect Experiment – 9 Chemistry

<div id="fb-root"></div> <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> <div class="epyt-video-wrapper"><iframe style="display: block; margin: 0px auto;" id="_ytid_67226" width="785" height="442" data-origwidth="785" data-origheight="442" src="" class="__youtube_prefs__ epyt-is-override no-lazyload" title="YouTube player" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen...

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Oral Presentation on Institutions

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>By: Sharmaine C. de Jesus</em></p> <p>In order to hone the Senior High School students’ research and speaking skills, one of the engagements they were tasked to accomplish was an oral presentation on different institutions within society, like economic, non-state, education,...

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Grade 5 Line Graph Making

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>By: Vanessa Anne M. Rapisura</em></p> <p>For Grade 5 Sincerity’s class, the learners showcased their output about the line graph as part of their performance task. The goal of this task is for the learners to deeply understand how to create...

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I am Unique: My Look-Alike Avatar

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>By: Michelle Zerda</em></p> <p class="has-text-align-center"><img loading="lazy" src="" width="340" height="337"/><img loading="lazy" src="" width="330" height="265"/></p> <p>The Grade 3 Creativity students’ summative outputs made a stir as they showed their knowledge and understanding of the unit’s central idea by creating their ‘Look-Alike Avatar.’ It...

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Couplet Poetry

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>Prepared by Riolyn Ann Del Mundo</em></p> <p>This engagement is about creating Couplet Poetry. The students found out that poems are a piece of writing that uses words in an artistic way to express one’s feelings. Instead of paragraphs, poems are...

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Punctuality Mind Map

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>By:   Mrs. Jennifer M. Cruz</em></p> <p>Punctuality Mind Map is an activity that the students did in character education class. They are divided into groups of 4/5 and put as many words as they can of what punctuality means for them....

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TechVoc: Elevator Button Rehab

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p><em>By: Mr. Kim Samson </em></p> <p>Students in the Technical Vocation strand of the Senior High School Department were tasked to replace missing elevator buttons in the Alumni Building via 3D printing. </p> <p><img loading="lazy" width="468px;" height="329px;" src=""/></p> <p>Students needed to take...

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Edible Cell Model

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p>For grade 11 STEM’s Biology class, their topic is centered around the cell and organelles. In order to introduce the task to the students, Mr Silva’s class was instructed to create a cell model using edible materials found in...

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The Sounds of Youth

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p>Music is a crucial part of human life. It is a profound way of communication that can touch the hearts of many and affect them in interesting ways. At Hope Christian High School, students are also being taught this...

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Materials for a New Purpose

<div id="fb-root"></div> <p>Written by Marife Licayan</p> <p>The theme of Unit 5 is: “How the World Works”, it is an inquiry in science about how materials behave, what the states of matter are, why properties move the way they do, and how materials...

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