Schooling from Home

Schooling from Home

by Simon Jaxith T. Martinez Grade 8

Pandemic may be inconvenient and full of sorrow.
We may also be uncertain of tomorrow,
But this could be a time to reflect on what we do.
This pandemic can also have good out of it too.

The ideas of meetings and gatherings may have been strayed,
but knowledge and ideas from God never gets delayed.
The advances of man in tech
Makes every day to-do lists all with a check.

We got used to see each other’s faces in school
but the situation right now is very cruel.
Learning in school may be stopped,
But education should not be blocked.

Using the technology we possess,
Studying will continue to progress.
All we need is a device and a table.
Let us also make sure that the Wi-fi is stable.

For every good result has a bad result and that’s a law
and technology has no exception in this flaw.
People with unstable Wi-fi
Have problems in tasks they are trying to comply.

Even if this problems exist,
We must learn to persist.
If we are scared to adjust,
We must treat ourselves with trust.

When learning online we must not complain
Because education is what children in poverty can’t attain.
Instead of complaining, we must show gratitude. This should be our attitude.
Gratitude can be shown by being diligent. Doing this is very intelligent.
Studying well also shows appreciation.
Appreciation must be our motivation.

All I can say to my countrymen
Is to stay in our current den.
Another thing to never forget,
We must stay positive and not be upset.
To all the students studying currently,
Study well even if the time this’ll end is very uncertainly.
Just endure and I believe that one day,
This will all go away.