The First HOPEMUN: “One World, One Voice: Together for a Better Future”
“I yield the floor to the delegate from Afghanistan.”
“The Board of Dais recognizes the delegate from Sweden.”
“The prosecution has not provided sufficient legal evidence to prove their case.”
These statements could be heard when Hope Christian High School celebrated United Nations Day last November 27, 2024 — a welcome change from how the junior high school students normally celebrated UN Day. HCHS held its first Hope Model United Nations (HOPEMUN) conference during those days. With the title “One World, One Voice: Together for a Better Future” and the purpose of “harnessing the voices of youth to forge a unified future,” HOPEMUN provided a platform for talented students to enhance their diplomacy skills, pursue excellence, and foster a deep love for their society. The participating students participated in collaborative discussions, negotiations, and problem-solving to tackle important global challenges.
Three groups were formed:
- One was a UNESCO (United Nations Educations, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations) Committee tackling “Quality Education,” SDG (sustainable development goal) #4 of the UN. Their topic was budget allocation for education and the students participating in this committee had to come up with a resolution on how to allocate funds for education all over the world.

- Another was the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) Committee which was tasked with “Climate Action,” SDG #13 of the UN. Their topic was evaluating the progress of the Paris Climate Agreement. The students involved in this committee had to revise and improve the Paris Climate Agreement.

- The last group was the International Criminal Court (ICC) group. The delegate participants for this group were divided into judges, the prosecution team, the defense team, and the witnesses. They were tasked to investigate and try individuals accused of crimes that concerned the international community, holding the criminal party responsible for pressing crimes relevant in our world.

The participating students performed admirably well, considering that this is the first time it has been done in the school, using unfamiliar diplomatic language skillfully while strictly following the rules and protocols assigned to their specific groups. And, without any background on how other schools did their Model UN conference, the senior high HUMSS students plus our SCO (School City Organization) officers commendably and ably organized and managed the whole HOPEMUN event, with the assistance of our supportive and creative faculty. Let’s look forward to more HOPEMUN conferences in the years to come.
HopeChristianHighSchool #DevelopingLeadersforGodandMan #LifelongLearners #TGBTG #ToGodBeTheGlory #UNDay #UnitedNation #UnitedNationsDay #MiniModelUN #HOPEMUN